The IF-THEN-ELSE statement is called growing up as children (even some adults) are programmed into becoming human beings. This is a computer statement which involves true-false logic just like real life. Even the smallest child quickly learns the logic of this programming statement.
IF it’s true you do something wrong THEN there will be consequences ELSE it’s false you did not do anything wrong there will be different consequences, END IF.
IF you put that ice cream in your mouth THEN
you’re gonna be in big trouble young man {if TRUE something happens}
you will not be in trouble {if FALSE, something else will happen}
In our first program, we entered to numbers, guessed at the answer and we will use the If-Then statement to test the results with the correct answer.
INPUT: Num1 = First numbered inputted
Num2 = Second number inputted
Ans = Our guess for the correct answer
Corr = Num1 * Num2
IF Ans = Corr THEN
PRINT “ You are correct”
PRINT ”You’re a Moron”
Family Guy - I Want Ice Cream posted by huluDotCom.