Saturday, June 2, 2012

One Is The Loneliest Number

It is the only one, the first one, the most famous one, the number one.  True that one is the first odd number but it makes one the ultimate prime number.    

Loved by children because it is easy to multiply and divide. It has a special property that is easy to understand.  Children cherish the identity property because any number times one is the same number.  Any number divided by one is the same number.  Easy…

Yet, most students in mathematics don’t recognize one when they see it.  One is a master of disguises. For this reason, the number one has undergone extensive psycho-therapy because children do not really understand one.   One is used extensively to manipulate fractions or has one calls fractions, mini me’s.

One can appear to small such as 2/2,  20/20 or very large 1,000,000,000/1,000,000,000 but they are just one.  One can be used to add and subtract fractions and simplify  fractions because one hates complicated fractions. One can be used to manipulate equations.

One is the most versatile number of all the numbers but the most misunderstood.  This make one the loneliest number.  

“One Is The Loneliest Number - Three Dog Night (Lyrics)” Posted by xxdaydreamerxx11:

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