Saturday, June 16, 2012

QBasic 64 : INPUT Statement

Every school age kid is an expert at the input statement.  The most familiar input statement in the world is the Google search box.  INPUT the string (characters) you want to search then press enter.  The same is true for YouTube and other search engines.  It wasn’t always this easy to get input or data in to computers.

In the old days, image if you had to handwrite your internet search request to Google unto a special columnar input coding sheet.  Then you would have to give this sheet to a keypunch person who would use a keypunch machine to physically punch holes in a punch card.  They would give you back a report with the punched card of what they keypunched.  After you very carefully reviewed this, if correct, you would give it to a computer operator who would run your card through a computer punch card reader.  Depending on the jobs running on the system, maybe in about an hour or two possibly the next day, you would receive a report of Google search findings.
We have evolved from punch cards, to keyboards, to a mice, optical recognition, to slide and touch and even voice activated input.        

Below is a video of an ancient keypunch machine posted by ct1401:

Below is the sounds of a punch card reader created in Minecraft posted by ohmgane3sha:

In our programming, input is simple. Ask what you want and assign the input to a predefined variable.

 INPUT “Let’s multiply, what is your name”; Name
 INPUT “Enter a whole number”; Num1
 INPUT “Enter another whole number”; Num2
 INPUT “What is the product of these two numbers”; Ans

“A keyboard, how quaint” as Scotty from the future tries to use one, posted by movieclips:

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