Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Give Me Five

Give me five….five what?  Five donuts, five cookies or maybe five digits of another person’s representing a “hand shake” which is an American idiomatic greeting.  This is an example of the counting number or natural numbers, one ,two, three, four, five and so forth.

High Five Etiquette is very important and the following video is required viewing at the Tourettes Monkey Academy. 

(Video posted by dontbethatguyfilms)

Five is a prime number and a favorite among children with five digits on their hand.  Five and ten are the easiest numbers for human children to process especially for multiplication and division.  Do you wonder why humans use base ten (decimal system) as their number system?

Tourettes Monkey has no fingers but only two arms.  His favorite numbers are one and two.  He tends to think in base two number systems as do computer processors.  Here is a bit of knowledge, a computer is only a super fast switch whose millions of circuits are either on or off.    

The divisibility rules for five are easy.  If the number t ends in five or zero, it is divisible by 5.

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